Join us for our
Sunday Service

Please join us Sunday morning for worship at 10:00 am either in person or online with Zoom.

Tabernacle Congregational Church
an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ

Tabernacle Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Salem, Massachusetts is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes, respects and supports people of every race, ethnicity, creed, class, gender, sexual orientation, age and physical and mental ability, inviting all to join us on our journey of faith. We welcome all people to participate fully in the worship, rites, sacraments, and ministry of Tabernacle Congregational Church. Although we are many members, we are one body in Christ. As one body we are called and challenged by God to respect and reconcile our Differences. Our faith calls us to speak up in the face of prejudice, injustice and exclusion, and to express in word and deed our hope for justice and inclusiveness for humanity.

For information regarding our online Sunday worship at 10 am using Zoom please contact the church office at (978)744-3164 or



Our Communion table is open to all. First Sunday of the Month.

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