© Mark Davidson Photography
Each Sunday we gather as One body in One Spirit to celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ. Worship begins at with children and adults singing and praying together. We worship God through the Sacrament of Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month.

Holy Communion
We offer the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. In the tradition of the United Church of Christ, we celebrate an “open table.” Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome to join at Christ’s table for the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Children come into the world filled with the energy and the Spirit of God’s unconditional love. They are spiritually curious right from the beginning. Like Adam and Eve, they want to learn by seeing, touching, listening, feeling, smelling, and tasting. Their relationship with God is tangible. When we baptize a child, we celebrate this relationship and we invite God to bless them and their family in their journey of growing and becoming fully themselves. The community makes a promise to “love, support, and care for the one about to be baptized.” We also bring the joyous energy of other children into the circle of their blessing.
Sometimes, adults come to the church not having had the experience of baptism. Adult baptisms are welcome at Tabernacle Church.
To arrange a baptism please contact the office by calling (978) 744-3164 or sending an email through the contact section.

Our Children’s Programs
Welcome children! Children are welcome to participate fully in the service. Activity pages, books, and drawing materials are available in the rear of the Sanctuary.