Please join us Sunday July 23, 2023 for the Tabernacle Church picnic potluck at Salem Willows Park 11:30-1:30.
Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and paper goods will be provided. Click on the link below to sign up to bring snacks/chips, salad, side dish or dessert.
Volunteers welcome to assist with setup and clean up, grilling, provide a grill or cooler, and offer to carpool those who need a ride to the Willows.
Bring your sunscreen and a comfortable chair to enjoy good food and being together!
Please sign up on the link by July 18th.
Tabernacle Picnic RSVP and Sign up
Contact Kathy Dougherty with any
Thanks to Ed Burge, Sarah Davin and Liz Duda for planning and assisting with the picnic